Geopolitical map of Curacao

Accueil > Curacao >
Willemstad 141,766 444
Country codePhone CodeLocal HourTime zone
CW +599 06:41:35 America/Curacao
Curacao maps

Some data about Curacao

Curacao is a country of 141,766 inhabitants, with an area of ​444 km2, its capital is Willemstad and its time zone is "America/Curacao". Its ISO code is "CW" in 2 positions and "CUW" in 3 positions.

To be able to make a telephone call to Curacao, you must dial your telephone code, which is 599. The currency used in Curacao is the "Guilder" (ANG).

The administrative subdivision of Curacao (administrative division) is made up of . Curacao has 1 cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants.

Above you have a geopolitical map of Curacao with a precise legend on its biggest cities, its road network, its airports, railways and waterways. Do not hesitate to click on the map of Curacao to access a zoom level and finer details.

Proportion of cities by number of inhabitants in Curacao

Number of cities by importance (population) in Curacao. Considering cities with a population of more than 100 000, 200 000, 500 000 and 1 million inhabitants, with the percentage of the population that these cities represent.

> 100k inhabitants > 200k inhabitants > 500k inhabitants > 1 million inhabitants
1 0 0 0
88.2 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %
  • The 1 most important cities represent 88.2% of the entire population
  • The 0 most important cities represent 0.0% of the entire population
  • The 0 most important cities represent 0.0% of the entire population
  • The 0 most important cities represent 0.0% of the entire population

Administrative division of Curacao

Administrative subdivisionsAdministrative level

List of major cities of Curacao

  • Willemstad125 000 inhabitants
  • Sint Michiel Liber5 138 inhabitants
  • Barber2 424 inhabitants
  • Dorp Soto2 233 inhabitants